CakePHP 1.3, Smarty 3, and Theming. Woohoo!

There are various solutions out there for integrating Smarty with CakePHP. I’m here to introduce another one, that I feel is a little leaner than the other solutions I’ve found.

Jump to the code:


  • Cake 1.3.2 (No idea if it will work on < 1.3.2)
  • Smarty 3

Just place this in your /app/views folder andmake sure your AppController has the following lines:

public $view = "Theme";
public $layout = "default";
// The following line is optional; the default ext in the ThemeClass is set to .html.
// Uncomment to set to your desired extension
// public $ext = ".some_extension";

Your views would (unless you change the $ext variable) then be saved with .html extensions.